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ORGANIC CHEMISTRY BY Paula Yurkanis Bruice (Fourth Edition)


 One of the best books in basic organic chemistry, strongly recommended for undergraduate students of chemistry.
The chapters included in this book are divided into eight parts, depending upon their relevance.

Part I (Chapter 1 and 2) is an introduction the study of organic chemistry
Part II (Chapter 3-9) is about hydrocarbons, stereochemistry, and resonance
Part III (Chapter 10-12) discusses the substitution and elimination reactions
Part IV (Chapter 13 and 14) is about the identification of organic compounds with the help of different spectroscopic techniques
Part V (Chapter 15 and 16) discusses the chemistry of aromatic compounds
Part VI (Chapter 17-21) explains the carbonyl and amines chemistry
Part VII (Chapter 22-27) is about Bioorganic Compounds
Part VIII (Chapter 28-30) discusses some special topics in organic chemistry, such as polymers, pericyclic reactions, and drug discovery and design


1.  Electronic Structure and Bonding-Acids and Bases
2.  An Introduction to Organic Compounds (Nomenclature, Physical          properties, and Representation of Structure)
3.  Alkenes (Structure, Nomenclature, and an introduction to              Reactivity) Thermodynamics and Kinetics
4.  Reactions of Alkenes
5.  Stereochemistry (The arrangement of atoms in space; The              stereochemistry of addition reactions)
6.  Reactions of Alkynes-Introduction to Multistep Synthesis
7.  Electron Delocalization and Resonance-More About Molecular            Orbital Theory
8.  Reactions of Dienes-Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy
9.  Reactions of Alkanes-Radicals
10. Substitution Reactions of Alkyl Halides
11. Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides-Competition Between            Substitution and Elimination
12. Reactions of Alcohols, Ethers, Epoxides, and Sulfur-Containing        Compounds-Organometallic Compounds
13. Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy
14. NMR Spectroscopy
15. Aromaticity-Reactions of Benzene
16. Reactions of Substituted Benzenes
17. Carbonyl Compounds I (Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution)
18. Carbonyl Compounds II (Nucleophilic Acyl Addition, Nucleophilic      Acyl Substitution, and Nucleophilic Addition-Elimination              Reactions  of a,b-unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds)
19. Carbonyl Compounds III (Reactions at the a-carbon)
20. More About Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
21. More About Amines-Heterocyclic Compounds
22. Carbohydrates
23. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins
24. Catalysis
25. The Organic Mechanisms of Coenzymes-Metabolism
26. Lipids
27. Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Nucleic Acids
28. Synthetic Polymers
29. Pericyclic Reactions
30. The Organic Chemistry of Drugs (Discovery and Design)

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