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ORGANIC CHEMISTRY By Morrison and Boyd


Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd is a very well compiled 

organic chemistry book.

Building on the very basics and fundamental concepts of structure, 

bonding, and energetics, it explains the different types of molecules, 

their physical and chemical properties and bonding situations in a very 

understandable and easy way.

Highly recommended for undergraduate students. 

The book comprises of 36 chapters, divided into three parts.


The Fundamentals

1.  Structure and Properties

2.  Methane: Energy of Activation, Transition State

3.  Alkenes Free-Radical Substitution

4.  Stereochemistry I. Stereoisomers

5.  Alkyl Halides Nucleophilic Aliphatic Substitution

6.  Alcohols and Ethers

7.  Role of the Solvent Secondary Bonding

8.  Alkenes I. Structure and Preparation Elimination

9.  Alkenes II. Reactions of the Carbon-Carbon Double Bond
    Electrophilic and Free-Radical Addition

10. Stereochemistry II. Stereoselective and Stereospecific                Reactions

11. Conjugation and Resonance Dienes

l2. Alkynes

13. Cyclic Aliphatic Compounds

14. Aromaticity Benzene

l5. Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution

16. Aromatic-Aliphatic Compounds Arenes and Their

17. Spectroscopy and Structure

18. Aldehydes and Ketones Nucleophilic Addition

19. Carboxylic Acids

20. Functional Derivatives of Carboxylic Acids Nucleophilic
    Acyl Substitution

21. Carbanions I Aldol and Claisen Condensation

22. Amines I. Preparation and Physical Properties

23. Amines II. Reactions

24. Phenols

25. Carbanions II Malonic Ester and Acetoacetic Ester            syntheses

Special Topics

26. Aryl Halides Nucleophilic aromatic substitution

27. a,b-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds Conjugate Addition

28. Molecular Orbitals. Orbital Symmetry

29. Symphoria Neighboring Group Effects. Catalysis by            Transition Metal Complexes

30. Heterocyclic Compounds

31. Macromolecules. Polymers and polymerization

32. Stereochemistry III. Enantiotopic and Diastereotopic          Ligands and Faces


33. Lipids Fats and Steroids

34. Carbohydrates I. Monosaccharides

35. Carbohydrates II. Disaccharides and Polysaccharides

36. Proteins and Nucleic Acids Molecular Biology

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